
We use cookies on our websites to help give you the best experience...

Cookies are small data files that your browser places on your computer or device. A cookie itself does not contain or collect personal information about you or your use of the web. However, when you visit a website the cookies on your computer or device can enable the website to deliver a more tailored service or experience – for example, by remembering your product choices or preferences.


We use cookies in order to remember your choices and preferences, to give you a better user experience by improving our websites and for providing content more accurately suited to your needs.

This means we use cookies in order to remember:

  • Your browser settings, such as the type of browser you use and what plug-ins you have installed. This keeps us from bothering you every time you enter the website, for example, in order to make sure that you have the necessary software to display any videos or graphics we place on our websites. This also allows us to know how many people are using certain types of software, so that we can adjust our websites to provide the best browsing experience for every visitor.
  • Your language and region choice. This means that if you have once chosen English as your preferred language this is the default language that will be used when you revisit our website.
  • Your choice of products in your shopping basket. If cookies are not activated, you may find that the shopping basket or other features do not operate properly.
  • Your movement on and usage of our websites. We do not collect personal data as part of this. We collect statistical data so we can optimise our websites.

Some cookies last until you close your browser, others are stored for longer. Some cookies are set by third parties who we have chosen to use as suppliers. These may include media agencies or affiliate marketing companies who we use to supply us with marketing services. Their cookie use is necessary to track performance of our marketing campaigns and does not contain any personal information.

You may notice that sometimes after visiting a site you see increased numbers of adverts from the site you visited. This is because advertisers, including ourselves pay for these adverts. The technology to do this is made possible by cookies and as such we may place a so called ‘remarketing cookie’ during your visit. We use these adverts to offer special offers and information about new events to encourage you to come back to our site. Again, we do not collect personal data as part of this and we are unable to proactively contact you as the whole process is entirely anonymous. You can opt out of these cookies at any time as explained below.


Most browsers automatically accept cookies. You can prevent cookies from being stored on your computer or device by setting your browser to not accept cookies. Some browsers provide a mode where cookies are always deleted after a visit. This is called InPrivate in Internet Explorer version 8 and newer; Incognito in Google Chrome version 10 and newer; Private Browsing in Firefox version 3.5 and newer; Private Browsing in Safari version 2 and newer and Private Browsing in Opera version 10.5 and newer.

The exact instructions for changing your cookie settings can be found in the 'Help' section of your browser. You can delete cookies already on your computer or device at any time. If you choose not to accept cookies at all, you can still visit our website, however, when cookies are disabled, we cannot guarantee an optimum experience and there may be content that is not available.